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YongQuan (KI 1) | 湧泉

Writer: Qikan Yin (殷琦侃)Qikan Yin (殷琦侃)

YongQuan (KI 1)

YongQuan (KI 1), the 1st acupoint of the Foot ShaoYin Kidney Meridian), is one of the most commonly used acupoints.

Kidney 1 is the lowest acupuncture point on the entire body, which is the most Yin part of whole body. It is the entry point of Qi or Essence into the Kidney meridian. This is a powerful and effective point to shift consciousness (literally and figuratively).


On the sole, in the depression when the foot is in plantar flexion, approximately at the junction of the anterior one-third and posterior two-thirds of the line connecting the base of the 2nd and 3rd toes and the heel.

Function and Indication:

• It can descend excess from above, mainly for Liver-Yang or Liver-Fire Rising: headaches, tinnitus, hypertension, epilepsy, etc.

• It can cool Deficiency-Heat due to Kidney-Deficiency: chronic sore throat, dry mouth, low back pain, etc.

• It can nourish Kidney & Heart Yin: insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, poor memory, mania, rage w/desire to kill, hot flashes, night sweats, Menopausal syndrome, etc.

• It can help loss of consciousness, Yang-collapse.


Massage KI 1 every night before sleeping. Having foot spa in warm water first. Then apply pressure on the pad of the thumb or middle finger. Press and rub it with gentle force. It is better to feel little soreness, numbness, heaviness, and tightness. Massage for 15 minutes until hot sensation gained.


Ignite the moxa, the ignited moxa sticks are appropriately close to the skin of the KI 1, and it is advisable to feel slightly warm but not too hot, no need to overheat. For health maintenance, moxibustion can be used every other day for 5-10 minutes each side each time.

Apply herbs (external use):

Using dry or fresh herbs, ground first, mixed with one of the following: egg white, Vaseline, vinegar and honey, put the paste on KI 1.

  • For Hypertension:

WuZuYu (Euodia ruticarpa) powder 18-30g, mixed with vinega

  • For Diarrhea in children:

  1. Garlic 12g, ground, mixed with egg white.

  2. HuJiao (Black pepper) 12g, AiYe (Wormwood Leaf) 30g, TouGuCao (Garden Balsam Stem) 30g, ground, mixed with egg white.






• 在足底部,蜷足時足前部凹陷處,約當足底第2、3蹠趾縫紋頭端與足跟連線的前1/3與後2/3交點上。

• 用力彎曲腳趾時,足掌前部出現的凹陷處就是湧泉穴。


• 治療神誌疾病,如癲癇、暈厥、狂躁、神誌不清、精神分裂症等等,同樣對於小兒高熱驚厥(俗稱抽風),有較好的療效,常常是急救常用穴位之一,可以選擇針刺,也可以用普通的艾灸。

• 頭痛、頭暈。對於平素有頭痛、頭暈,伴見腰背酸痛、手足冰冷、畏寒怕風、神疲乏力、進食冷食則腹瀉的患者有效。

• 咽喉腫痛。湧泉穴有利咽瀉火的功效,對感冒初期或急性扁桃體炎初期,有咳嗽、咳痰、咽痛的患者,針刺或按壓湧泉穴可以緩解咽喉腫痛。

• 緩解婦女更年期綜合徵,女性在進入更年期後,由於體內雌激素水平的下降,患者出現足心熱、脾氣急躁、夜間盜汗、自覺有氣從下向上沖擊胸部(中醫稱為奔豚氣),這都是腎氣虧虛的表現,因此對於這類人群除了藥物治療外,湧泉穴的養生同樣重要。









• 高血壓:吳茱萸粉18~30克,用醋調糊狀,敷於雙足心,一般保留12~24小時一次。

• 小兒泄瀉:大蒜12克,搗爛,調拌雞蛋清。外敷貼湧泉穴,或用胡椒12克,艾葉、透骨草各30克,共搗爛,調拌雞蛋清,外敷貼足心,固定好。


Contact Me



For any questions you have, you can reach me here:


307 Regents Park Rd

London N3 1DP

United Kingdom

+44 (0)7795555379


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